Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Response to Woman at the Wall

What feelings or emotions come through in the poem? Explain.

The feeling of sorrow really sticks out to me in this poem. Clearly, this woman is mourning. When reading it at first, we don't quite understand where or why. After thinking, we come to a conclusion that she is at the Vietnam Wall at Washington, D.C. It is written in a way as to describe that she is treating the wall as her lost loved one. It says, "she places her arm behind the neck of the name or around the name's shoulder, she kisses the name on its forehead, the way mothers do." In the second paragraph, it is describing her desire to have God bring him back to life, place him in his bed, as if nothing has happened. She wants everything to be back to normal. She misses her son. I believe it is her son whom passed away, because in the first paragraph, it says that "she kisses the name on its forehead, the way mothers do."

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