Wednesday, February 24, 2010

That Lean and Hungry Look

I disagree with this essay entirely. The author goes on to talk about how thin people are dangerous and menacing. I believe the opposite, fat people are dangerous and menacing. Obviously they eat to much and they can't stick to a diet plan. I guess that doesn't say much about their character, that is if they have any. Fat people are either lazy or have a disease that has made them that way. The author makes fat people look better than thin people, I don't think someones weight determines their character. The author says, "they think these 2,000-point plans lead to happiness. Fat people know happiness is elusive at best and even if they could get the kind thin people talk about, they wouldn't want it. Wisely, fat people see that such programs are too dull, too hard, too off the mark. They are never better than a whole cheesecake." For starters, I really hope this isn't how fat people think. The author condones an unhealthy lifestyle saying it is ok to be fat. I don't see how the author can say fat people are happy not being thin when she says that fat people think happiness is elusive.


ahlam said...

I also dont think a persons weight has anything to do with their charcter. Who they really are does.

ahlam said...
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ahlam said...
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shirwa hosh said...
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MeganS said...

I agree! When I first started reading I thought some of the authors points were humorous but as i continued I found them rediculous. Since when is it better to be sluggish and dirty rather than clean and busy? I also hope this is not how fat people think. If so they will graduate from happily plump to morbidly obese.