Friday, February 26, 2010

Brainstorming Essay Ideas

1. My idea for the photo essay is my work, Sport Clips. It's a men's hair salon with many of our clients being regulars. I still have it yet to be approved because it's my job, but I think it would be a good idea. We know our regular clients very well and I could interview a couple of them for my paper for their personal opinions and reasons they continue to come back to our business.
2. Personally, I would be willing to sacrifice my time and freedom for prevention of drinking and driving. Although it is impossible to stop everyone, I would definitely give up a lot to support the causes such as MADD and to stop others from drinking and driving. Drinking and driving has taken so many lives and is one hundred percent preventable. It's something that is personal for my family and I, so I would absolutely be willing to sacrifice my time and freedom. I think it would be a good idea to write about for my last essay.

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