Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Exploration 8
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
exploration 8
Monday, March 8, 2010
My second choice would have to be doing prompt for question 8 dividing the world into "us" and "them" i think i could also develope alot from this
Sunday, March 7, 2010
My second choice would be promt eight because again it links to peace and not really having "us" and "them" if there was peace we wouldn't have that.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Prompts for Essay 3
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Essay 3 Brainstorm
Out of the choices we have for the second essay Im again torn but leaning towards number 10. The question about how far a person would go to attain their freedoms. I can relate and have experence in it. The other one was question number 8, asking about how to avoid paranoia and dividing the world into "us" and "them".
I have already done pictures for the bowling alley just because I was there over the weekend but Im still not a hundred percent sure which one to do.
topic ideas for essay 3
My second idea is for prompt 8. I will explain that suspicion and paranoia can be avoided through proper communication, knowledge, and inner peace. I will incorporate my opinions on being on guard against selfishness, putting importance on material objects, and ignorance.
"Brainstorming Ideas"
essay 3
The second prompt i was thinking about doing is number 10. There are many things i would be willing to sacrifice my time to but the main one would be helping the environment. I do not feel like i would give my life for the causes, but i would give up a lot of my time and change my life. I think it is worth helping because it effects everyone and will change the world for bad if not stop.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Exploration 8: A Planetary Emergency
Exploration 8
One of the noble prize speeches that I thought was interesting was Al Gore’s speech on global warming. It really got my attention because I learned something that’s very important to us as human species. Al talks about global warming and how we are living in the midst of a great chemical experiment and some serious consequences are becoming obvious to scientists. It is inspiring to me because Al gore gives us details that so many people don’t know about and what’s coming to our planet in the future. After reading his speech what come to mine was that we could do a lot of things to help our planet to not change that way it is right now. Our planet is changing very fast if we keep continue what we are doing right now. He said this, “So today, we dumped another 70 million tons of global-warming pollution into the thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our planet, as if it were an open sewer. And tomorrow, we will dump a slightly larger amount, with the cumulative concentrations now trapping more and more heat from the sun” (619). This quote got me say wow because what al gore said on his speech was unbelievable and people don’t care. there just doing what is good for them right now and don't give a care about the result that is cause to us. We need to stop immediately and take more action to fix our planet.
Exploration 8: A Planetary Emergency (2007)
To me the most interesting and the most intriguing speech was Al Gore’s speech. The former vice president of the United States delivered a great speech and he brought his intentions and concerns on the harm we are causing in to our planet as humans. His speech was precise and it caught most people’s attention. And Al Gore’s got his point well a crossed and he told his audience about the harm we are causing on our planet by dumping a toxic waste and air pollution. Al gore said “we dumping another 70 million tons of global-warming pollution in to the thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our planet” (618 Al gore speech).
To most people global warming and climate change isn’t a concern while others think it is myth and un real. Al gore’s Speech was refreshing their memories and giving them new perspective by showing the evidence on the harm we are causing are causing to our planet.
My favorite quote from the speech was “we are what is wrong, and we must make it right” (619 Al gore’s speech h). I like this quote because it is short to the point and it basically says we are the ones who are causing the global warming and the climate change and we are the ones who could prevent it by being more responsible, and more caring to our planet.
Exploration 8
Exploration 8
Inner Peace and Human Rights
"A Planetary Emergency"
A planetary Emergency
The Revolution of Spirit
world noble peace prize
we must understand the connections between the climate crisis and the affliction of poverty, hungry, HIV-Aids and other pandemics" its sad how some of the young childrens and women are strugle poor envirment and they doesnt have anybody who help them. most the young boys and girl had effected Hiv - Aids . this country the green belt movement the main problem they had is hungry and poverty promlem. there many things has been done since the world spechess in the green belt Moventment. they many orginazation and aids to help those children and womens who lived bad enivimment. it could be done good things to help the poor people.
Exploration 8 " A Planetary Emergency"
Exploration 8: responding to a Nobel speech
My favorite passage from his speech says, "People of different religions and cultures live side by side in almost every part of the world, and most of us have overlapping identities which unite us with very different groups. We can love what we are, without hating what--and who--we are not." I liked this because it is very true. We all live in a melting pot society with all different backgrounds. We seem to tolerate differences in America, but why can't we appreciate them all around the world?
Since this speech the UN continues to try and end poverty, prevent conflict, and promote democracy. But there is only so much that one group can do. It is going to take full cooperation from the world to better it for future generations.
Exploration 8
Since Gore’s speech, countries have been more concerned about how climate is affecting the world and have taken action. Gore stated that Europe, Japan, and Australia, are making climate change their first priority to reduce it. I think in order to continue to reduce climate change; more car manufactures should develop hybrids or even develop cars that run off of hydrogen.
exploration 8
The Green Belt Movement Response
exploration 8: A Planetary Emergency
A Planetary Emergency (2007)
Al Gore talks about the climate change in his speech and what has caused it to be happening over the years. He talks about how our world is “spinning out of kilter” and how CO2 is a big affect. I do not agree with all that he says because I feel there is not much proof with things he states, because I think it’s just how the world is just changing not because of people living on it. I do agree to help out our environment to make some changes. I think the changes are being made such as helping recycle materials and not wasting things like water, food, and electricity. His issue affects our world by people becoming more paranoid and helping our environment to become healthier and less waste full. The things that have been done since the speech, is people have been working on keeping the air healthy trying to make cars with less poison coming out of it. I think it’s mainly our air that’s dirty and the ground is not clean so somehow invent a different way to help our air and environment if nothing is working. I like the quote from this Spanish poet, Antonio Machado, “Pathwalker, there is no path. You must make the path as you walk.” I liked this small passage just because it is so true.
Exploration 8: "A Planetary Emergency"
Monday, March 1, 2010
Exploration 8: The Green Belt Movement (2004)
This quote best explains the issues that Maathai discusses in her speech. She explains how women are the primary caretakers and how commercial plantations have ruined the resources they need in order to take care of their families. Women use the land to to feed and shelter their family, so the destruction of the land makes it harder for these women to take care of their families. Tree planting is the natural and basic resource they need because it provides fuel, food shelter and income to support their children's education and household needs. So, the tree became the symbol for the Democratic struggle in Kenya and a symbol for peace and conflict resolution. Also, what people didn't realize is that trees were not only a mean of life in Kenya, but it is also a part of their culture. For example, their elders used staffs from the trees to prevent them from fighting and seek reconciliation. This issue is important because people do not realize that the environment is also used by other people as a way of life. We try to see if commercial plantation is going to benefit or hurt that nation because we cannot assume that just because it is beneficial to one country it also benefits all countries. We need to consult one's government or research a countries traditions and values before interfering and installing things that we think is helpful or useful. Governments need to work together and agree on certain things before planning out or doing an action. Since the Green Belt Movement started in 1977, over 30 million trees have been planted. Women have been trained in forestry, food processing and other trades that help them earn income while preserving their lands and resources. The communities in Kenya have been motivated and organized to both prevent further environmental destruction and restore that which has been damaged.
Essay Three Ideas
For my second essay prompt I'm thinking about doing prompt number six. There are so many historical events, movement and people who have given us the rights/liberites and security/protection that every America has to this day and forth.
I'm leaning more towards the second essay prompt but I'm going to think about the two topics more before making my decision.